Committees cannot really be deleted

Issue #74 resolved
Jelmer van der Linde created an issue

The problem is that committees are linked to calendar events and pages and possibly other things, therefore simply deleting them from the DB will cause all kinds of cascades that we do not want.

Thus, we need to implement yet another form of hiding. Currently "committees" like the board are hidden, but we also need a way to deactivate committees, and possibly to reactivate them.

Another option is to just hide committees that are empty from all indexes except for the board in a special list, so they can reactivate them when necessary.

PDOException: SQLSTATE[23503]: Foreign key violation: 7 ERROR:  update or delete on table "commissies" violates foreign key constraint "agenda_committee_id_fkey" on table "agenda"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(15) is still referenced from table "agenda".
  File "include/data/DatabasePDO.php", line 92, in execute
  File "include/data/DatabasePDO.php", line 92, in query
  File "include/data/DatabasePDO.php", line 362, in delete
    $this->query('DELETE FROM "' . $table . '" WHERE ' . $condition);
  File "include/data/DataModel.php", line 194, in _delete
    return $this->db->delete($table, $this->_id_string($iter->get_id(), $table));
  File "include/data/DataModel.php", line 208, in delete
    return $this->_delete($this->table, $iter);
(7 additional frame(s) were not displayed)

Comments (2)

  1. Jelmer van der Linde reporter
    • changed status to open

    I'm working on this. I've implemented this by making currently hidden "committees" such as the board and the KISO a third type of committee that isn't really hidden but just doesn't show up in the indexes like the committee page. The 'hidden' field in the database is then used for deactivating/deleting committees.

    In the committee edit form the delete button has been replaced by a deactivate button. Deactivating a committee will remove all its members and mark it as hidden. In the newly added archive page a committee can be re-activated by removing the "hidden" flag.

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