Student is told they dont belong to a group, when they do

Issue #2 resolved
Kevin Moore created an issue

[07-Nov-2018 14:56:03 Europe/London] Default exception handler: error/You do not belong to any group. Debug: Error code: You do not belong to any group. $a contents: * line 482 of /lib/setuplib.php: moodle_exception thrown * line 77 of /mod/peerassessment/locallib.php: call to print_error() * line 159 of /mod/peerassessment/view.php: call to peerassessment_get_mygroup()

Comments (7)

  1. Kevin Moore reporter

    It also appears that the course teacher isnt seeing the groups available in the assignment.

  2. Kevin Moore reporter

    This is actually caused when the grouping (the webPA equivalent of a collection) used in the assessment has no groups within it. So the error message is misleading.

  3. Kevin Moore reporter

    strings are hardcode in locallib.pph::peerassessment_get_mygroup(). Move into lang file and display a better more informative message.

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