Dependencies check failed

Issue #31 closed
Jamie Kramer created an issue

When trying to install block_news_slider with the Moodle cli upgrade.php it gave this error:

*Dependencies check failed for block_news_slider You must solve all the plugin requirements before proceeding to install this Moodle version!

I was installing theme_adaptable, for the first time, at the same time that I was installing news_slider for the first time.

Moodle version: $version = 2017111301.07; $release = '3.4.1+ (Build: 20180228)'; // Human-friendly version name

Theme Adaptable version: // Adaptable version date. $plugin->version = 2018022500; // Adaptable version. $plugin->release = '1.6.1';

news_slider version: $plugin->version = 2017121300; $plugin->requires = 2016120500; $plugin->dependencies = array('theme_adaptable' => 2017053100); $plugin->release = "1.2";

I removed block_news_slider, and proceeded with the cli upgrade.php for theme_adaptable. Then I attempted to add block_news_slider plugin back, now that theme_adaptable is fully installed, but I received the same dependencies check error.

I didn't see this issue reported anywhere else in my initial search for resolution.

Comments (3)

  1. Manoj Solanki

    Hi Jamie,

    I can't see why you would get dependency check issues from looking at the version of Moodle, Adaptable and New slider you are using. Can you provide a screenshot please?


  2. Jamie Kramer reporter

    Thanks for the reply, I think I figured out the problem...

    The adaptable theme did not fully install due to a permissions issue, and yet there were no other errors about the issue from Moodle. Because of this issue, Moodle did correctly determine that there was a dependency failure for the slider plugin... it just didn't tell me there was an issue with the adaptable theme plugin.

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