Font Headers Color Overriding Infobox and Footer

Issue #100 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

The new setting for Font Headers Color is overrideing the color set for footers and front page info boxes which causes problewms with the header colors being different to the text below compounded by different background colors being applied to footers and info boxes.

I guess the best thing would be additional settings to specifically target these regions?

Comments (3)

  1. Info 3bits

    Fontheaders is applied to h1 to h6. I'm testing the site using a light design based in light backgrounds with dark text and I don't see any issue. So probably the problem is located in h3 added to the infobox header. I saw a similar problem in the marketblocks.

  2. Info 3bits

    Other suggestion about this topic. I wouldn't force so much the design of the market and the info blocks. See my test site:

    Admin can add its own styles in the content blocks, so they can get any design that fit the rest. By default, the design should be simple, just getting the standard theme settings.

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