sitetitle and logo not displayed in mobile view

Issue #119 resolved
Info 3bits created an issue

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Comments (11)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hi Fernando,

    I assume you have already seen i added options to completely hide this part of the theme? I guess this relates to leaving that part of the menu visible but just thought I would mention it.

  2. Info 3bits reporter

    We need to display the site title or the logo. This is always demanded and clients ask to modify even the moodle mobile app to fit its corporate image and logo.

  3. Jeremy Hopkins

    Its currently an option so it can be set on / off, but it defaults to off.

    Look under bcu>layout, there is one setting just to hide social icons and another to hide the entire header.

    If you turn that off then the header will display, though it may want some additional work doing on it.

  4. Info 3bits reporter

    The problem is in the mobile view.

    Add the sitetitle and it will be displayed in the frontpage. Then shrink the browser to get the mobile view and the sitetitle dissapear.

    The same with the logo.

  5. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hi Fernando,

    Below is a link to a recording I made outlining my thoughts on this using existing options and adding new ones. As its on one drive you may need to "rewind" or download to play clearly, they usually start playback a little blurred:

    I think ideally we could do with the following options:

    1: Update the existing "show site title" check box to a drop down / select list:

    • never
    • desktop only
    • desktop and mobile

    2: Consider option of adding a second "mobile logo" field, so that we can have different logos for desktop and mobile. In our case we would want only the logo not the text that goes with it. I think this would work well for your clients too assuming many have a logo comprising of an image and text?

  6. Info 3bits reporter

    I think point 2 is better. Not always the mobile logo is the same used in desktop. In the ARI site I just reduced the site by CSS but some companies have the same situation than you with CU.

    By other hand, maybe add a favicon from the backend could be also a good idea.

    I will try to apply both, the mobile logo and the favicon later today.

  7. Jeremy Hopkins

    I have added a setting to show / hide logo on mobile in c38a64d I think we need to add a setting for the header height too. Trying to calculate this automatically could be a real pain and I would rather leave it to admins to test and adjust the value for themselves.

    I will look at adding a setting for site title too.

  8. Jeremy Hopkins

    Added more settings to show / hide course title and options for setting up social icons on mobile. I should add I will be making "social" icons more generic so they can be re-purposed to add links for things like email, timetables etc. So, the mobile view I am working on is one where the "social" icons actually dispaly links to other University services.

  9. Jeremy Hopkins

    earlier i said "I think we need to add a setting for the header".

    All I did was remove the min height on mobile, it will then be scaled by the content you display.

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