Top Dropdowns not working when hover disabled

Issue #128 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

The new top menus do not work when screen size is reduced below a certain point (at least when using mouse on small screen pc).

The test NSL site works, if I reduce the screen size to the point hover is disabled I can click.

In the last NSL zip I received this was no longer working.

Below is a screen recording to illustrate this:

Comments (24)

  1. John Stabinger

    As far as I can see, they are hidden on smaller screens since they could not be made responsive. This was based on our discussion of the item. Is that not what you are seeing from your end?

  2. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    They are hidden on mobile as you mention under:

    @media (max-width: 768px)

    This issue seems to be due to what happens on line 103 of menu.css:

    @media only screen and (min-width : 1068px) {
    /*on hover only for large screens adjusted to exclude ipad portrait*/

    which will affect intermediate screens such as notebooks or ipads

  3. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Below is another screen recording showing where I think the issue is coming from:

    There are a couple of other points which maybe relevant:

    1) The theme contains a lang settings for "newmenu1trigger", "newmenu2trigger" neither of which seem to be applied in the theme? 2) All the top menus are using the class "newmenus newmenu5" (as opposed to newmenu1, newmenu2).

    The verson on your test site works perfectly, clicking the links triggers "dropdown open" as it should, however this was not working in the last zip you sent me. So, it seems you have a working versoin on your test site but it was not working in the zip you sent me.

    I really need to get this fixed ASAP, could you please take a look?

  4. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    And below another screen recording showing the difference between what we have now and your test site which works well. We are using 2.8 whereas your test site is 2.9 which could be a factor. As mentioned before I tested a version using your original zip (as opposed to our current GIT versoin) and had the same issue:

  5. John Stabinger

    The test site is 2.9 and your site is 2.8. I will try this out on my 2.8 site to see if I can replicate.

  6. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Thanks John,

    I sent you another mail earlier linking to a proposal to remove hover entirely and replicate menus from another theme. Perhaps you could reply to that mail before doing any more on this?

  7. John Stabinger

    If I remove hover entirely, it would also remove it for the regular custom menu (if that is okay).

  8. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Yes that seems to work, thanks!. Will this still work in 2.9? If not I can try load that js conditionally based on the Moodle version. Can you pull this repo, apply the change and push it back?

  9. John Stabinger

    It did not work in 2.9 so I added it to the conditional check in the lib. Tested on 2.8 and 2.8 and working. Just sent to your repo.

  10. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Did you pull the latest version before doing that? It looks like its zapped all the changes ww made recently, for example removing a lot of the settings in lib.php?

  11. Info 3bits

    lib.php has many settings removed and now the fonts are not applied.

    Could we roll back these changes? I only detected the fonts but looks like there are more settings impacted with these changes after see the commit.

  12. Info 3bits

    I made the pull to the dev server, The test server, located in, is not updated so for the moment I will get the copy from there.

    I see there are many changes in lib.php and also in the styles that can have impact in the rest of the site. Since I modified only settings.php I got a copy from the test server and now the dev server is working well.

    Please, review all the changes of this commit. Also a DS_file is added to the repo that is not useful.

  13. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Hi Fernando, I have just rolled back that commit, if you pull again it should put all the lib.php values back. You may want to double check the changes you made after Johns commit are still ok, I think you were working in different files.

  14. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Hi John,

    I have rolled back that commit. Could you please pull the current copy, ensure it is up to date, re-apply changes and make another commit please?

    You will want to make sure you have copies of your code before you pull lest you overwrite it.


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