Additional navigation under user profile

Issue #13 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

In BCU > Header there is a list of check boxes under a heading "Customise the user dropdown".

To this we need to add new items such as "preferences" for Moodle 2.8 / 2.9.

We also want to add links for:

  • Notifications - /message/edit.php?id=$userid - fa paper_plane
  • My Blogs (users site blogs)
  • My Posts - /mod/forum/user.php?id=$userid - fa commenting
  • My Feedback - - fa bullhorn

I will provide the specific urls and fa icons for these later.

Comments (6)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    The link for blogs should be:


    Also cold these be named "my" blogs etc to make it clear they are the users own.

    I am guessing the theme will need its own strings for these in which case they should use Moodles language customisation so they can be altered for different languages.

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