Option to make editing button "icon only"

Issue #140 new
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

Depending on the language used the editing button may spill. Essential has only icons for edting without text, it maybe worth considering this as an option. There are already settings for the size of these buttons so it maybe as simple as adding another for "hide editing button text"?

Comments (7)

  1. Info 3bits

    Yes, I agree with the icon option. I don't see the need of the setting because the icon should be self explanatory specially for admins.

  2. Info 3bits

    Could we use fa-pencil instead fa-edit ?

    It is more consistent with the moodle design and different of Essential

  3. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    I think edit works best if text is used. If its just a button / no text then pencil is better. If we are going to add an option to flip it to a button we could change the fa icon in there?

  4. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Oh on this point "I don't see the need of the setting" I think we do need to make that an option too. It maybe obvious to e-learning clients but less so for academics / school teachers particularly as they have been used to seeing "turn editing on" for a long time.

  5. Info 3bits

    Probably the best choice for all the buttons and menus would be: text / icon / text and icon

    I have some clients with students non-skilled in computing and the moodle workflow doesn't help some much in the navigation and use of the site.

    Icons can help but text is always the preferred way. The problem could be in some languages, like russian, but many times they don't translate the most common terms from english because are well known.

  6. Alexander Goryntsev

    As a Russian I agree with @3_bits When a button capture is translated into my language with usually longer words, the size of the button changes to contain all the letters and sometimes that distorts the layout. I don't see it as a big problem as only I as administrator can see it. But a neat look is always better. So I would welcome it, if it were an icon on the button.

  7. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    I think this should be approached as per Fernandos last reply:

    "the best choice for all the buttons and menus would be: text / icon / text and icon"

    Though I think we could get away with just two: icon / text and icon

    We already have a buttons admin page, a single setting there could be used to control settings for all / any buttons using icons.

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