Upper Menus Broken

Issue #154 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

Some of the recent changes to upper menus have made them unusable, see screen recording below:


It was caused by increasing the paddding of .dropdown-menu on line 79 of menu.css in 42cb42c3f44d

I think the whole menu system of hover needs a rethink. Its causing problems moving between mobile and desktop, its also causing issues like the one I am reporting here.

I think we whould move everything over to requiring click to display rather than hover. Evolved menus work really niceley, see screen recording below:


I guess you are familliar with that theme already, if not here is the link:


Comments (5)

  1. Info 3bits

    I increased the padding to avoid overlap the divider line with the dropdown menu. But I know that it has impact in more than one menu, not only the above-header.

    The above-header needs more height to display the login correctly. So it is really complex to fit all the elements of this area.

    I also noticed that langmenu needs a click to display the dropdown while the usermenu is just an hover.

    And the mobile problems are another problem to deal with.

    As you know, from my point of view these menus are not needed because most of the times even the moodle menu is not used. But I understand your needs for BCU so let's try to fix the issues.

    I don't know evolved and never use it before. I will take a look and let's see how to do it.

    i'm a bit busy today delivering some projects but will try to do it at weekend.

  2. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    I know why you changed the padding, its not right as it is, the lack of padding you were tryng to fix looks like a hack to keep the hover working. If you just watch this 1m video of evolved it should be enough:


    This is consistent with what later versions of Moodle do with drop down menus for profile etc.

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