Mess with edit menu while in course editing mode

Issue #188 closed
Alexander Goryntsev created an issue

When I enter a course editing mode I get a mess with module edit drop-down menu so that it's hard to find a proper spot to click if I need to pick a needed item. Also there's a problem with heading padding that makes the whole look of the page messy.

Yes, this issue is relevant for course creators only, but why don't they deserve a nice working environment as well?


Comments (4)

  1. Info 3bits


    this issue is linked to #184. When editing the topic, the padding changes and distort the buttons positions.

    The dropdown edit menu looks well. Could you explain the steps to get the same screenshot ?

  2. Alexander Goryntsev reporter

    Now it's 3.0 but with 2.9 the situation was the same, just didn't dare to raise the issue:)

    I get to it in just two clicks. This is the normal course view how my students see it. Looks fine.

    course _normal_view.jpg

    Then I push the "turn editing on" button and when I open a module editing menu I see this:

    course _editing_view.jpg

  3. Alexander Goryntsev reporter

    Whether intentionally or not - but the mess disappeared, see the screenshot. Let's keep it this way then! Though the issue #184 still remains.


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