Change favicon

Issue #207 resolved
Info 3bits created an issue

Change the existing favicon.

And maybe add a setting for it. Actually the favicon is included in the /pix folder and no way to change it for the admin if don't have access to the server.

Comments (6)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    We looked at adding an uploader for the favicon before and think there may have been an issue with it. I could be wrong but I THINK the problem is Moodle only allows you to upload via the file API and moodle looks by default for the favicon in the pix folder which should not really be writeable from the GUI.

    Using a Moodle icon would probably be a better default.

  2. Info 3bits reporter

    I was thinking in an "a" instead a "m". Using Audiowide font, the "a" looks nice and could be used as a favicon.

    Other themes include the favicon and even other icons to be used in IOS.

    I will test it later and let you know the results.

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