Add and / or capability to access rules

Issue #221 new
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

Currently we explode a single field to determine access rules such as "usertype=staff"

It could be useful to add the ability for multiple fields by parsign the AND / OR operator so we could use:

usertype=staff&&faculty=hls faculty=hls||faculty=fbl||usertype==staff

We do not need to be able to nest these / use parenthesis, I think the above would suffice and would be reasonably easy to parse.

This is not a priority, but would be nice to have at some point.

The code for checking these rules is already centralised.

Comments (3)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    I am changing this to a proposal whilst we decide whether to add options to check for:

    • Role
    • Group

    which could be achieved with string de-limiters like:

    • profile_field#usertype=staff (current)
    • group#staff
    • frontpagerole#rolename

    Regarding the original concept of this issue, we could also expand to allow for more complex rules like:

    • group#department1|department2
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