Remove unused images from /pix

Issue #231 resolved
Info 3bits created an issue

There are unused images from BCU theme in the pix directory that can be removed:

2xlogo.png bkg.png tile-background.png

Comments (8)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    It would be nice to load tile-background.png if the user had not already added a default course image.

    That is what this image was used for before the uploader was added to the admin settings.

  2. Info 3bits reporter

    But actually is not used and nobody will find it in this folder. I don't see very useful.

  3. Jeremy Hopkins

    What I mean is when you first install the theme, before you upload the default tile this one used to show making it clear that was a feature.

    It also saved people having to make their own image.

    You may as well get rid if it for now, there are a lot of other things that need doing and cannot see this getting done any time soon.

  4. Jeremy Hopkins

    Regards your comment "is not used and nobody will find it in this folder" the idea would be to load it by default if no other image had been added by the user, in which case they would not need to know it was there as such, it would just apear on all courses that had no image set on a default install.

    I will try and add this as it would make a nicer install.

  5. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hi Fernando,

    I think you have removed the unwanted images now, if so can you close this issue?

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