Site Title Override No Longer Working

Issue #254 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

Under the header settings there is a field "sitetitletext"

This used to allow the override of the site title on the front page. This was useful where the "official" site title was longer than you would want to display on the front page.

Since changes were made to allow the regular "site title" to display this feature no longer works.

We should either get it working or remove this completely.

We dont need this at coventry, I dont think you do either but there maybe other community users that do.

I think perhaps we shold simply comment this block out for now so it is not visible in the settings. If anyone asks about it we can fix it, if no one asks about it we can remove it later.

Comments (2)

  1. Info 3bits

    The reason of the sitetitle using a text area was to add more than one line of text in the site title.

    For example:

    3bits elearning solutions

    In companies sites is very usual to add a text below the title

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