home page full width

Issue #292 resolved
colin evans created an issue

although all other pages seem to render in full screen the home page body does not seem to stretch like it did in BCU. not sure if this is a bug/supposed to be like this or a setting I'm missing.

great theme by the way.

Comments (22)

  1. colin evans reporter

    Hi Jeremy,

    as you can see below, the top image is the minimised view, the bottom screen is in full screen. the header and footer have stretched out but the page content hasn't.

    thanks for looking at this.

    Screen Shot 2016-01-25 at 13.49.58.png Screen Shot 2016-01-25 at 13.56.31.png

  2. colin evans reporter

    Hi Jeremy,

    I've purged the caches several times. the courses are probably separate because the are under separate heading (there are only 2 courses on the test page, the third is because I'm enrolled) i will try the new version.

    Thanks Jeremy.

  3. colin evans reporter

    Hi Jeremy,

    have installed from your link and this has not resolved the issue. i will have a look and see if i can locate the issue.


  4. Usman Asar

    Couldn't replicate this issue! as I have tried every possible way to achieve this, unchecking Default Full Screen, enabling Zoom options etc but things are working as they should.

  5. colin evans reporter

    ok so I've been playing around with this, and the only way i can get the main body to go full screen is to add marketing blocks and then it will expand and contract as it should.

  6. Usman Asar

    Tried removing Mkt blocks and tested, no issues seen in both FF and Chrome, Colin have you been trying in more than one browser?

  7. Jeremy Hopkins

    Can you test removing BOTH coureses AND marketing blocks so the theme does not push out to full width?

    Colins screen shots clearly show the main content area does not have enough elements to fill that region. It maye the case that adding EITHER more courses OR marketing blocks pushes the container out and allows this feature to function normally.

    I have never tested an empty front page like that having always had at least three courses / blocks or somethign else to push out the page.

  8. colin evans reporter

    hi jeremy,

    i have also tested the settings on my main page which has 21 courses displayed. it maintains the same issue. the blocks will sit centrally, 3 in a row, unless the marketing blocks are switched on. they then stay 3 in a row and stretch.


  9. Usman Asar

    Had three courses, removed one replicating Colin's 2 available courses. Still no issue experienced. Colin, have you done manual install of Moodle or is it from a script installer? as usually script installed moodle plays up with additional themes and plug-ins.

  10. Jeremy Hopkins

    What are your frontpage settings?

    I know this theme still has an issue from BCU with "combo" in front page settings.

    I have not seen it cause this issue but know it doesnt render properly and am wondering if there is an issue there.

    It would seem there is "something" in your specific setup causing this snag.

    The other thing I forgot to suggest earlier is that as well as purging caches, clear your browser cache too.

  11. colin evans reporter

    attached, site with more courses.

    Screen Shot 2016-01-25 at 21.21.36.png

    no usman, i didn't manually install Moodle manually. i will however go and manually install a fresh moodle install.

  12. Jeremy Hopkins

    Which version of Moodle are you using? On a side note those icons are nice, where did you get them?

  13. colin evans reporter

    Hi Jeremy,

    if this is something with my personal setup i will muddle through until i locate the problem. the main reason i reported the issue is so that it was highlighted on the off chance that someone else was experiencing the same issue. i don't have combo selected on the front page settings, and i have cleared the caches in the browser, although if it was a caching issue i don't think it would function correctly with the marketing blocks function on would it?

    Thanks for the help, appreciate that its way past time anyone should be working!

  14. Usman Asar

    OK, let's see if manual install take care of issues as i just have finished a thorough testing replicating everything Colin has on his site, even tested with all frontpage course boxes yet couldn't replicate. There must be some else setting that I have missed out of theme settings, as even have made changes in Navigation section.

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