Frontpage Courses Tiles - Fix sized

Issue #293 resolved
Usman Asar created an issue

Hi Jeremy,

This isn't a bug, but proposal, for the course tiles when viewed in full screen becomes HUGE, can this be done that rather tiles expanding as page expands the row adds on more tiles like 4, 5 tiles in a row rather than keeping 3 and expanding them? This way keeping tile size static, for course image as well alters when viewed with full screen (large tiles) and standard view (smaller tiles) - Images Attached.

Also, hard returns in Course Summary, doesn't shows up in Tiles, as all text written shows on one line, whilst moodle default shows as typed

Please have a look at this clone Essential theme, this size would ensure one size image to be used (ignore text written beneath the tiles) -

Also, I did mentioned, Do have a look at their front page, can Categories be presented as well like on their page? - This may be too much to ask, but then I want Adaptable's download stats to be on top of the charts.

Comments (5)

  1. Info 3bits

    I've testing using several images sizes and it is working as expected. The tile resize the image proportionally and can display some blank margins at the top and bottom.

    It is not scheduled any change in the tiles number. Maybe after review how the theme works with the dynamic blocks we could add the same or similar functionality to the courses tiles.

  2. Usman Asar reporter

    OK no issues here, but 3 looks too less, 4 makes it wide enough as on full screen, 3 courses expand to the extent that blocks get really bigger. Apart on handful of courses, this may make sense to keep blocks in stack of 3 in a row on frontpage, but when comes to say about 100 courses displayed, imagine the page length.

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