No blocks on left leaves white space

Issue #312 duplicate
Usman Asar created an issue

Please refer to the image, where ideally course tiles should have adjusted when no blocks present, yet it leaves blank/white space


Comments (8)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    That used to collapse if it was empty, I am not sure why it isnt now, are you sure there are no blocks in there with "editing on"? If you drag all blocks into the hidden admin region at the bottom does that help?

    There is a check we can make to see whether a region has content:

    $PAGE->blocks->region_has_content('my-region-name', $OUTPUT);

    But I think empty blocks would still class as being content and may not resolve the issue.

    I will see what can be done....

  2. Usman Asar reporter

    Indeed no blocks, as just for test I deleted everything, still showed space, then I moved admin block as well to admin only area, still showed space, whilst other blocks expand for other users even with admin block present.

  3. Jeremy Hopkins

    Where is the "add block" block? That used to be in the lower hidden region, in my test system that is now in the sidebar and I cannot move it.

  4. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hmm I am not sure why this every worked but know it did at some point. I will need to check whether the block region has any content and if not alter the layout. If I can do this then I can set it so that we show four courses per row instead of scaling three up to a larger size.

  5. Usman Asar reporter

    Yes the "add block" stayed up, wasn't drag-able, but this together with admin block shouldn't have left white space for they aren't visible to end user, also as he theme is designed for multiple of uses, not many be making use of blocks unless they are a Uni/school.

    Of course 4 blocks for courses will be a very good idea for all of the sites offering courses I have seen on WordPress have 4 in a row.

  6. Jeremy Hopkins

    Having looked into this a better approach would be to add more layout settings allowing administrators to control how the sidebar displaayed.

    I have opened issue #314 to deal with this and will close this issue.

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