External link on slider links all marketing blocks

Issue #321 resolved
Guilherme Veríssimo created an issue

Hi, guys.

I've being trying to solve this but nothing seems to work. When I link the slider to an external webpage or even to some page on the platform, all my marketing blocks and secondary info box connects to the same link from the slider.

How do I fix this?


Comments (6)

  1. Guilherme Veríssimo reporter

    I`ve realised that the front page info box is also link to the website that I want to link on the slider...

  2. sew gc

    I don't think so, I'm using Adaptable 1.1.1 on my test site (3.0.2) and the slider link still "spills over" to the marketing spots and the info box, just as Guilherme described it. When I don't add any link at all to the sliders, they auto-link to the page itself (and that link also extends to the marketing spots etc). I guess this problem would be solved with issue 328.

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