Tiny adjustment to alignment of text in drop-down required

Issue #324 resolved
sali created an issue


Some of the letters (g, q, p etc.) are mostly shown but a little part is not in the text that is initially displayed in drop-downs. It seems to be many places - perhaps system wide.



Comments (6)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    You need to save the settings in your admin page to resolve this. I changed the setting from a checkbox to a dropdown list, as you can see it says "invalid current value 1". Once you save the option you want from this dropdown it will hopefully clear.

  2. sali reporter

    Sorry about that - I sorted out that issue.

    I may have posted the wrong image, but that one also shows the issue mentioned where the "g" in the word "excluding" is partially hidden in text displayed for the drop-down box.

  3. Info 3bits

    Different fonts have different baseline and leading. Using Google Font you can find hundred of different values using the same font size that other moodle themes don't have.

    HeaderNavbar.png (This is probably a extreme font that never should be used)

    Try to find a font that have a balanced baseline and leading like Open Sans, Roboto and many others.

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