New Slider Option

Issue #34 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

We need another slider type adding to the theme more closely resembling the one used on

An admin option would need to be added to select the different slider styles:

  • Slider One
  • Slider Two

It does not need to match exactly if you have an off the shelf slider which is similar. We would like:

  • arrows / chevrons / "< >" used in the slide navigation (inside slide)
  • ability to add text with bg as seen on the corporate site (can be done in html in the slider field in admin)

We are not so worried about the position of the arrow controls, if it is easier to position them to the left and right of the slider (as is the case with other NSL themes) that would not be an issue.

We are not looking "identical" but an expedient close match.

Comments (11)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Just moved this slider back into third list, as priority has changed for this feature.

  2. John Stabinger

    The slider seems to be off at the moment here:

    Is there another place I can see it?

  3. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Hi John,

    No I'm afraid not but I dont really want to follow that slider exactly and think it would be better / easier to base one off the slider used on Modish. I have attached a screen shot below showing changes to:

    • background colour on chevron (left / right navigation)
    • position of chevron inset
    • size of chevron larger
    • bg color of the bottom link

    We would also need the font used altering.


  4. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Yes that works well. I take it you are going to add the navigation arrows? When you do could you add pickers for those too?

    One other point, the option to select this slider is a check box, it would be better to use option list if that is not too much trouble. If it is then it can be left as it is.

  5. John Stabinger

    The arrows should be there already. They just hide under smaller screen sizes.

    I added the setting for the arrow bk color now.

  6. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    I have purged caches, cleared my browser and tried on different monitors and there are no arrows showing.

  7. John Stabinger

    They are there for me in all browsers tested (IE, Chrome, FF, Safari). Also tested PC and Mac.

    The way javascript is included in the theme causes it to be cached, so you may need to force refresh (shift refresh on Mac or Ctrl + F5 on PC).

  8. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Strange, I had tested it in multiple browsers, anyway, I can see it now and its fine.

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