Display selected courses in the frontpage

Issue #359 resolved
Info 3bits created an issue

Display only selected courses in the display and add a title to this area.

This feature could be used to display 'Featured Courses', 'Top Courses' or something similar.

In some cases could be interesting to display public courses only and hide courses for specific users.

Comments (4)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    I really want the ability to do this on some of our Moodle sites but I thought we were going to approach this through blocks which could be added to the front page?

    This would keep code out of the theme and be more flexible, for example you could add multiple instances.

    I tried this plugin, it doesnt render properly and is overly complicated on the admin side (I would prefer an input field for course id's like 22, 665, 44...):


    I think that block and the approach taken to this feature in the E Guru theme would be the best approach, i.e. get the kind of featured course slider rendered by E Guru into a block:


  2. Info 3bits reporter

    The main idea using the block builder was to create additional blocks with this kind of features but not sure if this can be using blocks since the courses are always displayed in moodle frontpage.

    I was thinking to add another setting to enable/disable the courses list in the frontpage and then the block approach would be the best.

  3. Jeremy Hopkins

    Isnt it possible to disable the existing course list with Moodles core "frontpage settings" already?

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