Glitch in Footer Three Block

Issue #38 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

The third footer block is not rendering properly, it outputs twice with different styling, not sure why this is, see screen shot below.

Comments (8)

  1. John Stabinger

    I don't see an issue. It is outputting what is in the setting box. There is an id of social-connect that is adding some styles as well.

  2. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    I just tried in Chrome and IE and its doing the same thing, can you clear caches or try a browser in which its not cached? Maybe look when logged out in case its cached correctly for your user id?

  3. John Stabinger

    Check the setting when you have a chance. The text that is in the third box is in the setting box. The style is being set from the ID. Here is what is in the setting box:

    <ul class="block-list white"> <li><a href=""><span>One One</span></a></li> <li><a href=""><span>Two Two</span></a></li> <li><a href=""><span>Three Three</span></a></li> <li><a href=""><span>Four Four</span></a></li> </ul>

    That is being correctly rendered in the 3rd box.

  4. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Ok look at blocks 3 and 4. The code in each of the settings is now identical. Block 4 renders the text ok, Block 3 doesnt.

  5. John Stabinger

    Yes, that is the intended style from the #social-connect id that is on that block. I assume that is the intended style but I can certainly remove that ID.

  6. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Ahh ok, that was a BCU specific style that must have ended up in the main release. Can you remove it so it behaves like other blocks please.

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