Mobile Navigation

Issue #39 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

On a mobile phone I noticed a couple of issues:

  • the new menu items (menu 1, menu 2) do not collapse
  • the background colour of the main navigatigon bar (behind burger icon on mobile) needs to be white (as it is on hover on desktop). With a bg set on the navigation for desktop its blue (or whatever colour you select)

Comments (9)

  1. John Stabinger

    I don't see a way to make those 'collapse' without breaking the main collapse. At best, I could maybe hide the text an allow the V (down arrow) to remain.

    Not sure I understand the 2nd part of this.

  2. Jeremy Hopkins reporter
    1. The V arrow option would do for now.
    2. nav-colors.PNGI have attached a screen shot showing the issue with colors which I think could be remedied with a colour setting for the top menu items. The only real issue is its showing grey on blue which doesnt work well:
  3. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    I just tested the new menu items on mobile and can see you are reducing them to a down arrow but they are not working properly. For now I think it would be better to hide them completely on smaller screen sizes. Below is a screen recording to explain:

  4. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    "Can you try the site now and see if this is what you mean? "

    The colours look better now (grey replaced with white). Is that configurable as a color setting?

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