Bad rendering Frontpage Combo List and tiles

Issue #402 new
FeKuLa created an issue


Bad rendering selecting Combo List in frontpage and tiles. This happens in BCU and Usable theme. Thanks.

Comments (11)

  1. Info 3bits

    This is not really a bug. The truth is that never worked because the theme is using the internal renderer inside the moodle renderer. When you select list by categories in moodle front page, moodle applies its filters and BCU/Adaptable try to add the content (course blocks) in a different render. That's the reason you can see the categories and the theme trying to insert the blocks.

    We need to fix other bugs before so I will change the type to enhancement for the moment.

  2. FeKuLa reporter

    In this particular case (frontpage combo list), I think that would be enough showing rendering Moodle by default (like clean theme), and not tiles format.

  3. Info 3bits

    The 'List of Categories' works well because is rendering the list directly from moodle.

    The 'Combo List' is using a different renderer and that's the reason is not working well. So for the moment the only option is the 'List of Categories'

  4. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hi Luis,

    Can you go to "Adaptable > Frontpage Courses" and set "frontpagerenderer" to "Moodle Default".

    With this setting you should find Combo Box will work as it does for any other theme, but you will lose the styling on the course blocks.


  5. FeKuLa reporter

    Thank you Jeremy, but I would like to mix combo list and tiles. If I disable tiles, I can't do that :-(

  6. Pixi Flyer

    Hi All, has this been updated at any point, please guide me to the repo if it has, I still have this unfortunate experience with the theme?

    Thank you

    Regards 🙂

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