Hide site pages from maincontent

Issue #435 new
Info 3bits created an issue

When you add a new activity, usually a page, in the front page, the activity is displayed above the course boxes. This is really annoying because break the design.

A setting to display/hide this area would be great for many sites.

Comments (7)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    There is already a way to do this by using the "Main Menu" block which has the ability to add activities or resources. If you put this "main menu" block in the admin only section in the footer then you can hide links without using the main content area, here is a screen shot of this in our Moodle site:


  2. Info 3bits reporter

    Yes, this is an option but if you hide the block the theme still keep the space where the activities are displayed and the menu is not displayed to other users.

    I think the setting is better because we can remove the container and keep the block visible for other users.

  3. Jeremy Hopkins

    Yes a setting would still be worth adding, perhaps allowing visibilty to be set as follows:

    • disabled
    • all users
    • logged in users
    • administrators

    I was going to raise an issue tracker to use those options for the marketing block, block region builder and anywhere else we currently have an "enabled" check box. One reason is that it allows administrators to set things up without them having to be live / visible on the site.

  4. Info 3bits reporter

    The aim of this settings is to hide the activities from the frontpage and then use the links in the menus. This is already used in the demo site where the top menu has three items and these items are not displayed in the maincontent region.

    At the end, the visibility is controlled by the menu, not the setting to hide the activities. In my opinion a simple hide/display settings should be enough.

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