No title and distorted breadcrumb after the last update

Issue #443 closed
Alexander Goryntsev created an issue

The last update that I've just pulled has brought some 'surprises'.

First: there are neither site title nor course title in the heading area anymore. All settings for them remain as before the update.

Second: breadcrumb doesn't look like a breadcrumb.

Maybe this update requires some changes in settings to make it look as it should be. So far I have no idea how to bring the interface into order.

Any hints?



Comments (3)

  1. Alexander Goryntsev reporter

    Investigation of the problem has brought first results.

    Breadcrumb. In fact it has three colors those need setting: background, active level text and other levels text. I find only two so far - for the background and the active level - and that was the reason of my problem as background and names of the levels other than last were of the same color. I cannot change the text color but I've managed to change the background and get back my breadcrumb working.

    Maybe add setting for the breadcrumb background?

  2. Alexander Goryntsev reporter

    With some efforts I've managed to bring a kind of title to the header. It's an alternative text specified under 'sitetitletext' On some pages it's displayed in white on some in black. No real site title or course title so far.

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