Creating a custom home page without the Courses and Calendar blocks

Issue #455 resolved
luis ibhiabor created an issue


We really want to design our e-learning platform like your demo site ( We do not want the Calendar and Courses blocks to appear on the homepage for people to see.

We just want to have a simple homepage and when a user clicks on the login button, it will take them to the login page like yours ( We want them to be able to see those blocks and courses after they have logged in as users.

We have successfully installed moodle. We have also downloaded and enabled your theme, Adaptable. Everything looks fine. The problem now is how to configure it and remove those unwanted blocks so that it looks like yours.

Could you point us in the right direction, please?

Your response will be highly appreciated.

Regards, Menre

Comments (3)

  1. luis ibhiabor reporter

    Hello, Thanks for your response. I will use the information and follow the steps. Hope all goes well. Regards,

  2. Info 3bits

    The demo site uses the blocks permissions to hide blocks to visitors and display to users. It is not a theme configuration.

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