Distorted front page layout before login

Issue #478 resolved
Alexander Goryntsev created an issue

I have my blocks located on the right side ('blockside') and it looks fine as 9+3 after user authentication - see the screenshot. But before authentication with the front page public view the main content uses the whole width 12+0 and the blocks are far below that really distorts the layout - you can witness it visiting the page: http://тримаршрута.рф/

It's happened after the last upgrade of both the moodle core to 3.1+ and the adaptable theme so I have no idea what to blame. Before the upgrade there was no such a problem.


Comments (6)

  1. Alexander Goryntsev reporter

    To avoid distracting my test users I've removed blocks from the front page of my site and brought back the login button. If you need them to figure out the roots of the issue using my site I can bring the blocks back for you any time, pls. just let me know.

  2. Björn Bettzüche

    Same problem (with Moodle 3.1 and Adaptable 1.2.3): no header-navbar and a broken layout on frontpage's page-Content area for non-logged-in users. The frontpage Course tiles take al the width and the right-sided blocks become diplaced to the bottom. If logged in as guest or as authenticated user, everthing is displayed fine (see my Content-Dev-Site).

    After research by myself and visiting the Moodle-Support-Thread it seems that one of the issues are locatet in the frontpage layout file, line 97 ff:

    // Control span to display course tiles.
    if (!isloggedin()) {
        echo '<section id="region-main">';
    } else {
        echo '<section id="region-main" class="span9 desktop-first-column">';
    } ?>
  3. Info 3bits

    Thanks for reporting. We are aware of this issue and working in a general solution because it is not a frontpage problem only. The layout structure is inherited from BCU and it has several errors probably because is too old.

    We are working to rebuild the complete layout but will take some time due other work.

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