Moodle 3.1 unable to set Theme Adaptable

Issue #483 resolved
Chris Ok' (iOkidoki) created an issue

Please we would like your help, our site https://www.christredeemer/crcvl was migrated from Moodle 3.0 to 3.1, we then migtrated the theme Adaptable based on it user review. For some reason we are not able to Set the Theme Adaptable properly across browsers. The display is like html based instead of the intended theme looks. some links are failing to call the https instead it ref the http URL, am not sure if this is why. Please can you advise if you have come across these issue before and please can you help?

Thank you in advance

Comments (1)

  1. Info 3bits

    Adaptable has been tested many times upgrading from 3.0 to 3.1 and is running in many sites using 3.1. Therefore this is not a theme issue.

    Check out the files permissions. This is usually the reason of this problem. The server is down and can't be verified.

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