Remove bottom margin in slider

Issue #71 resolved
Info 3bits created an issue

Remove 20px bottom margin in slider to join the regions

Comments (10)

  1. Jeremy Hopkins

    I think the reason for this margin was to put a gap between slider and the info box when info box is in use. Screen shot attached. I am not sure if this is what you were referring to?


  2. Jeremy Hopkins

    Ok I see why you want to do that but making that a default would cut across the way the theme is being used elsewhere. Can this be added as an option / admin setting default to "margin on" and have the option to turn "margin off"?

  3. Jeremy Hopkins

    Well I think the use of full width in both modes is desirable and something I wanted to add at some point anyway so that we could bring our Moodle more into line with our website which has full width slider and fixed width content:

    So if this were added as an option we could do something like that, which is not disimilar from things you have done with the theme already.

  4. Jeremy Hopkins

    ... looking at the alterations you made for this I dont think it would be hard to add an option, I think you just removed / took it out of "container"?

  5. Info 3bits reporter

    Yes, the full width depends of the use of the container class.

    IMHO, the full width looks much better. And the idea is exactly the same you applied to the corporate Coventry corporate site. But could be a setting that applies or not the class to the regions.

  6. Jeremy Hopkins

    I think it works better too, but this theme is in use on perhaps 1000 live sites now so we cannot just "force" a default change like that, particularly when it comes to BCU itself. This is why everything we added with NSL went in as an option, which also makes the theme more flexible.

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