Broken Catalan translation

Issue #768 closed
pellix created an issue

lang/ca/theme_adaptable.php -> missing a ';' at the end of #121 line

PD: can I suggest something like this to be done in the same file? :g/bora/s//vora/g


Comments (6)

  1. Info 3bits

    Please, can you post a direct link to the source code. You can copy the link in the line number with a right click.

  2. Info 3bits

    Thanks. This is already pending to fix. But you said:

    PD: can I suggest something like this to be done in the same file? :g/bora/s//vora/g 

    Could you indicate what lines?

  3. Info 3bits

    Language packs are managed in a separated GitHub repository.

    If you find a bug in some language and want to collaborate to fix it then feel free to open a new issue issue and submit a PR.

    Once approved will be added to the Github repository. Before release a new version the languages packages are added to BitBucket

    The language packs are available for download in:

    Notice that Catalan language could take some weeks to be updated, so any help is welcome.

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