Bug in config php

Issue #8 resolved
Jeremy Hopkins created an issue

There is a coding error in BCU/config.php where it lists the stylesheets. 'custom' is the name of the stylesheet that has the CSS Settings in it. But because the 'custom' stylesheet is listed FIRST any CSS declared in it (including any theme settings changes) will be overridden by any CSS in the other stylesheets listed. So what you need to do if you have access to the server, is change the order of the stylesheets in BCU/config.php and put 'custom' at the end of the list. Here is what I said in the forum incase you missed it! https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=318952&parent=1279251

Comments (5)

  1. John Stabinger

    The better thing to do would be to move the output from the CSS settings box to the last sheet (rather than move the custom sheet). The last sheet in config is listed as 'pace'. However I do not see a pace.css anywhere. Do you know what that is?

  2. Jeremy Hopkins reporter

    Mike told me "pace" should be removed from the config file. Whatever that was originally supposed to contain went into custom.

  3. John Stabinger

    Got it. I removed that now and moved the custom css to the last style sheet so this should be resolved.

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