The "Image of" in alt tags for user pictures is spurious

Issue #800 invalid
Former user created an issue

The "Image of" in alt tags for user pictures is spurious

As in, it is an alt tag for an image, so of course it is an image, and telling people is somewhat pointless

Comments (7)

  1. Info 3bits

    If you think the alt text applied to avatar is "spurious" then open an issue in the Moodle Tracker.

    All the themes use a function to display the avatar that is part of moodle.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    There is one open already.

    If Coventry haven't said I'm working with UCL on making adaptable more accessible and I've been asked to open an issue before each commit. I have a commit to send which fixes this issue.

  3. Info 3bits

    Anyway, this is not a theme issue and should be fixed in moodle because if they change this function in the future then could crash the theme.

    And if you think this is a real usability issue (we don't) there are many other issues to fix before this.

    Notice that most of the themes usability issues are part of moodle not the themes (and there are many). So you must open the issues in the Moodle tracker because most of them can't be fixed in the theme.

    If you already open the issue in Moodle tracker and you already have fixed then submit the patch and will be approved soon.

  4. Jeremy Hopkins
    • changed status to open

    This is something UCL wanted to address in a fork with a view to making a pull request back to our master branch with the fix.

  5. Info 3bits

    As said, this is not an Adaptable issue.

    If you want to modify the string then you can do it from:

    Site administration > Language > Language customisation

    Search the string in the English package and modify the content.

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