3 column mode?

Issue #877 resolved
Konrád Lőrinczi created an issue

Could be possible to add 3 column mode? Currently I can add blocks only to left & content.

I would really welcome this feature!

Comments (5)

  1. Info 3bits

    From README.txt:

    "Adaptable is a highly customisable responsive two column moodle theme based on the popular BCU theme adding..."

    Please, for requests use https://adaptable.ws

  2. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hi Konrad,

    As Fernando said, this will only ever be a two column theme, however there are other block regions available at the top and bottom of course pages which gives a little more flexibility regarding the use of blocks.

    You can also define your own block layout for the front page and dashboard pages.

    I would also add that features were added to adaptable so we could switch off as many blocks as we could, for example we disable the navigation block and a few others.

    Hope that is of some use, if not you will need to find a three column theme :(

  3. Konrád Lőrinczi reporter

    Hi Fernando & Jeremy,

    Well, I usually use only 2 columns on the course pages. Rarely use 3 columns on course pages. I use 3 columns on the front page and dashboard pages as you said. I never use blocks on top or bottom of the course pages, nor in header or footer of any pages.

    I will see, if defining my own block layout for the front page and dashboard pages would satisfy my needs.

    If not, I will have to develop those features I need. Since it is a must to make upgrades as easy as possible, it is important for me to merge my developments into the core code, no matter if we are talking about Moodle core, the Adaptable theme, or any plugin. I always try to do my developments to fit general needs, to be optional as much possible, so this way it could be mergeable.

  4. Jeremy Hopkins

    Hi Konrad,

    You can definitely define 3 column layouts for sections of the dashboard and front pages so think you will be ok with that. These layouts are defined in adaptable settings with no need for any code changes.

  5. Konrád Lőrinczi reporter

    Hi Jeremy,

    It will be ok, with 3 column layouts for dashboard & front page, and 2 column layout for course pages, until a teacher or my boss will ask 3 column layout for course pages. Then I will have to do the development.

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