Invalid parameter value detected: YEAR

Issue #929 resolved
Tomas Šimkus created an issue

Hello, updated moodle to 3.5.1 and error occurs only then logged in on the first page. Everything looks ok, but some JS messes..

Missing required key in single structure: year Error code: invalidparameter * line 315 of /lib/externallib.php: invalid_parameter_exception thrown * line 223 of /lib/externallib.php: call to external_api::validate_parameters() * line 59 of /lib/ajax/service.php: call to external_api::call_external_function()

Comments (8)

  1. Info 3bits

    Could you provide more information?

    Adaptable version What 3rd party plugins are installed Steps to reproduce the issue

    At first sight, the trace is not related to Adaptable

  2. Info 3bits

    Are you sure the calendar block is upgraded to moodle 3.5?

    We can't reproduce any issue related to calendar and the JS included in Adaptable 1.7.1 is running without issues in moodle 3.5

    Verify you are using latest Adaptable version available

  3. Tomas Šimkus reporter

    Everything is updated. Ant Yes Adaptable 1,7,1. with 3.5.1 moodle... :/

    The only thing, what if i turn boost theme, everything is ok. maiby for reproduction, i can post JSON ? of my settings?

  4. Tomas Šimkus reporter

    Ok, just managed to get the same error. Under Site admini... > Appearance > Default Dashboard page ... So where may be only to things then, witch are not working Properly. Calendar or Announcements ....

  5. Info 3bits

    The issue indicated can't be replicated.

    Please, review your site installation and try to find the issue using the logs (moodle and server).

    Then post the results in the Moodle forum.

  6. Tomas Šimkus reporter

    Ok, found the problem & Workaround.

    Problem was not in Theme. Problem was in Upcoming_calendar_events plugin.

    Just deleted plugin it all works.

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