breadcrumb not visible

Issue #945 duplicate
Anne-Marie Catella created an issue

with last version of adaptable in moodle 3.5, the breadscrumb is not visible in some parts of moodle like in enrolments methods...

Comments (5)

  1. Manoj Solanki

    Hi Anne-Marie,

    There has been a fix to the breadcrumb not appearing on some pages already that have been checked into bitbucket in this repository. This hasn't been released yet but will be in the next few weeks. Are you able to take the latest version from here and try it on a test system to see if it resolves the issue?



  2. Anne-Marie Catella reporter

    we try it's OK... the breadcrumb is visible. Thanks We have to wait to install in our Moodle in production ?

  3. Manoj Solanki

    You could wait until we release on, or you could take the latest version here from Bitbucket.

    If you take the latest version from here in Bitbucket, I would recommend upgrading / installing on a test Moodle site first, if you have one? And just check that everything works as normal. Then if it seems ok, you can upgrade on production.

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