Cancel button wrong color on hover

Issue #987 open
Auxiliar Sistemas created an issue

The cancel button gets the wrong settings color on the hover event. It gets the "editoffbk" and should be using a different setting.

Comments (10)

  1. Auxiliar Sistemas reporter

    questions? Isn't this the "issues" section? I'm pointing to a flaw on the theme. Did you see any question mark on my statement? I'm not asking, I'm telling.

  2. Info 3bits

    If it is a bug then provide evidences, usually a screenshot is enough, and a PR if possible.

    If you already located the bug in the code then the file and line with the bug would help to fix it if you are not able to do it.

  3. Auxiliar Sistemas reporter

    Don't just go around closing issues without even reading them. I hope you learned your lesson.

  4. Auxiliar Sistemas reporter

    Again with the “ask” thing. I’m not asking for support. I’m reporting an issue under the issue section. Are you a programmer? Do you understand logic?

  5. Auxiliar Sistemas reporter

    The cancel button gets the wrong settings color on the hover event. It gets the "editoffbk" and should be using a different setting.

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