
Cameron Presley Examples of using F# Reduce

Created by Cameron Presley

File f_reduce.fs Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+let values = [1 .. 10]
+values |> List.reduce (fun state item -> if item % 2 = 0 then state+item else state-item) |> printfn "%A"
+type Card = Guard | Priest | Baron | Handmaid | Prince | King | Countess | Princess
+let cardPower card = match card with | Guard -> 1 | Priest -> 2 | Baron -> 3 | Handmaid -> 4 | Prince -> 5 | King -> 6 | Countess -> 7 | Princess -> 8
+let cards = [Guard; Priest; Baron; Handmaid; Prince; King; Countess; Princess]
+cards |> List.rev |> List.reduce (fun state item -> if cardPower state > cardPower item then state else item) |> printfn "%A"
+let baronAction cardOne cardTwo =
+    [cardOne; cardTwo] |> List.reduce (fun state item -> if cardPower state > cardPower item then state else item)
+baronAction Princess Guard |> printfn "%A"
+baronAction King King |> printfn "%A"

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