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BaristaSource / GettingStarted / TestData

Barista Sample Project

The Barista sample project is setup to allow you to familiarise yourself with some basic functions available in Barista. The scene spans approximately 3.5 x 2 km and comprises industrial, residential and open space land cover. The elevation ranges approximately 6 – 15 m. The image is derived from QuickBird Basic imagery and located in Port Melbourne, WGS84 UTM Zone 55S. Within the scene, a DEM of 25 m post-spacing to a vertical accuracy of 1 m, and 8 GPS-surveyed ground control points are available at an accuracy of approximately 0.15 m.

A guide will be given for the following Barista functions:

A. Project setup
B. Image measurement
C. Sensor Orientation
D. Monoplotting
E. Orthoimage generation
F. Pansharpening

The files contained within the sample data include:

Stereopair Panchromatic QuickBird image
- StereoPanP001.jpg
- StereoPanP002.jpg

Stereopair Multispectral QuickBird image
- StereoMSP001.tif
- StereoMSP002.tif

*Sensor Orientation: RPCs *
Original RPCs
- StereoPanP001_rpcs.txt
- StereoPanP002_rpcs.txt
- StereoMSP001_rpcs.txt
- StereoMSP002_rpcs.txt

Bias-corrected RPCs
- StereoPanP001_rpcs_bcQB.txt
- StereoPanP002_rpcs_bcQB.txt
- StereoMSP001_rpcs_bcQB.txt
- StereoMSP002_rpcs_bcQB.txt

3D Ground Control Points in WGS84 Geographic coordinates
- GCPs_WGS84Geographic.csv

2D Image Measurements
Stereopair Panchromatic QuickBird measurements
- StereoPanP001_2DPoints.txt
- StereoPanP002_2DPoints.txt

Stereopair Multispectral QuickBird measurements
- StereoMSP001_2DPoints.txt
- StereoMSP002_2DPoints.txt


DEM in WGS84 UTM Zone 55S
**- DEM_WGS84UTM.txt

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