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BaristaSource / GettingStarted / TestData_Monoplotting

D. Monoplotting

To begin monoplotting, ensure the project contains images with corresponding bias-corrected RPCs, and a DEM referenced to the WGS84 ellipsoid. All these elements should be set active (highlighted green). Note that monoplotting functions are only available if the region of interest is covered by a DEM. A yellow border projected onto the image will notify you of the DEM extents.

1. Monoplotting Points

Monoplotting > Monoplot Points

A Monoplotting dialog box will be displayed after digitising a point. Interactive transformation of coordinates is possible. All points are stored in the 2DPoints node.

2. Monoplotting Lines

Monoplotting > Monoplot Lines

Monoplotting lines can be used to monoplot lines and closed polygons. Pressing the F-key will Finish a polyline on the last digitised point; pressing the C-key will Close the polyline to form a polygon by snapping to the first digitised point in the string. All points are strored in the XYZLines node.

3. Monoplot Buildings

Monoplotting > Monoplot Buildings

In building mode, the first point measured must be the ground point. The second point measured must be the corresponding roof point above the first point measured, ie. the ground point. All subsequent points must be roof points at the same height level as the first roof point. Any erroneous points can be cancelled by pressssing ESC-key whilst in active measurement mode. Pressing F-key will Finish the building and the polygon will snap to the first roof point.

A building’s 3D position can be measured in one image; however, with two images open, for example, StereoPanP001 and StereoPanP002, you can visually check your results as your measurements are projected onto other images on-the-fly.

Mono Building

Monoplotted Building near TODD

Superstructures can be measured by selecting a building by highlighting it in the building node. This can be done by holding shift and clicking within the building polygon; the selected building should appear yellow and non-active buildings should be celeste. Key S will activate superstructure mode. The first superstructure point will be the lowest point, the second point will be its corresponding roof point and subsequent points will be roof points at the same height level as the first roof point. Pressing F-key will Finish the building and the polygon will snap to the first superstructure roof point.

Mono Superstructure

Superstructure on Monoplotted Building near TODD

All buildings are stored in a Building node and every digitised point stored in a 2D node. They can be exported as .txt, .dxf or *.wrl for easy import into other software.


VRML export of Monoplotted Building, view from TODD

A. Project setup
B. Image measurement
C. Sensor orientation
E. Orthoimage generation
F. Pansharpening

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