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BaristaSource / GettingStarted / TestData_Pansharpening

F. Pansharpening

To begin pansharpening, ensure the project contains at least 2 overlapping orthoimages with corresponding georeference parameters. The images should be of equal grid resolution and equal image extents.

Image Processing > Pansharpening

Input the Panchromatic Orthoimage and Multispectral Orthoimage and select an algorithm (IHS or PCA).

The pansharpened image is now stored as a new image node with its corresponding georeferencing parameters as a TFW node.


Panchromatic Orthoimage, Multispectral Orthoimage & Pansharpened image

A. Project setup
B. Image measurement
C. Sensor orientation
D. Monoplotting
E. Orthoimage generation

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