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BaristaSource / GettingStarted / TestData_Project

A. Project setup

When a New Project is initiated in Barista, a dialog box will automatically open requesting a Project Name and Project Directory. The Project Name you choose will be saved as *.bar and your Project Directory will be set as your working directory. Now you are ready to begin!

1. Image Import

File > Import Image(s)

Navigate to StereoPanP001.jpg. Click Recreate Image Pyramid File (.hug) and Import. In the Items window on the left-hand-side of the display, a thumbnail should now appear of StereoPanP001. Double- click on this thumbnail will maximise the image and will display the selected image in the main window on the right-hand-side of the display (note that multiple images can be opened by holding CTRL key during Image Import).

The image can be explored by the Zoom-in, Zoom-out and Pan icons on the toolbar.
Short-cut: The mouse-wheel activates zoom functions when scrolled, and when depressed activates the pan function.

ZPlus ZMinus Pan

Zoom-in, Zoom-out, Pan Icons

To change the viewing display, Right-Click on the image in the main window and Channel Settings and Resampling options will become available.

2. Sensor Orientation Import: RPCs

Right-click StereoPanP001 > Import RPCs.

Navigate to StereoPanP001_rpcs.txt. This file contains sensor orientation information supplied by the image vendor for the image selected. The coefficients can be viewed in the main display by Double-click on the RPC node in the Items menu. Repeat this step for each image and corresponding RPC file, *_rpc.txt.

3. Ground Control Points Import

File > Import 3D points

Navigate to GCPs_WGS84Geographic.csv. Choose appropriate Coordinate Type (Geogrpahic) and Reference System (WGS84). This file contains the longitude, latitude and ellipsoidal heights for 8 ground control points. They can be viewed by Double-click on XYZ Points node in the Items menu.

To change the sigma values, Right-click XYZ Points node > Change Sigma, and set SX, SY, SZ to a loose weight of 0.5 m sigma.

To set the ground control points, Right-click XYZ Points node > Control > Set Control. The XYZ Points thumbnail should now be highlighted green, indicating the selected control is active and has been set.

Inline Graphik Inline Graphik

XYZ Geographic Point node, Active XYZ Geographic Point node

4. DEM Import

File > Import DEM > ASCII DEM

Navigate to DEM_WGS84UTM.txt. This is a DEM referenced in WGS84 UTM coordinates. Select the Coordinate Type (Grid), Reference System (WGS84) and Grid Settings (UTM, Southern Hemisphere Zone 55). The DEM and its associated georeferencing file can be viewed by Double-click on the DEM node in the Items window.

5. Save Project

File > Save

Remember to save your project regularly to prevent data from being lost.

6. Clear display window

Window > Close all windows

All windows in the main display can be closed simultaneously. No data will be lost. Objects can be accessed via Double-Click on its node in the Items window.

7. Ready!

Now your project should consist of images, sensor orientation information, 3D ground control and a reference DEM. You are now ready to start! The next steps will guide you through:

A. Project setup
B. Image measurement
C. Sensor Orientation
D. Monoplotting
E. Orthoimage generation
F. Pansharpening

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