Connecting to Redshift
Issue #71
I am trying to establish new connection forRedshift in Model Xtractor (which i downloaded freely) . After providing credentials for redshift and check test the connection , it shows successfull however when i say ok, it throws the below message during the extraction of the metadata. Any help what is causing this?
2020-07-22 10:11:38,184 Starting database metadata import... 2020-07-22 10:11:38,196 Cleaned up 0 previous errors... 2020-07-22 10:11:38,401 Sorry, an error occured:
Comments (1)
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Thanks for reporting this. We’ll soon update our unit tests to the latest Redshift features, as it is likely your database uses a new feature that has not been tested. Can you tell if you use unusual data types? And also, there was no actual error reported? Or you just forgot to paste it? Thanks.