cannot compile even a very basic application

Issue #108 resolved
Kaspar Neuenschwander created an issue

Hello I probably missed something, but I cannot compile even the simplest application (one button on a form). The compiler stops within Vcl.forms with error "unit libc not found". Please help.

Comments (10)

  1. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    Please explain more about your system, IDE version, platform, edition etc.

    If you use trial edition, how compiler stops on Vcl.Forms ? There is any sources in trial edition.

  2. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    No you don't. It looks like you already have VCL's source in your Library path. Try to remove it or check you Library patch. What target platform do try to use ?

  3. Kaspar Neuenschwander reporter

    Target Platform is Linux 64 Bit. I just tried the same application with fmx linux; there it works. Here is my library path for Platform 64-bit linux:


  4. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    Can you check where is Vcl.Forms is located when you got an error. Also, maybe you have very old CrossVcl installation - try to remove Program Files (x86)\CrossVcl folder after unsinallaling and install again.

  5. Kaspar Neuenschwander reporter

    Did that, now it works!

    Thanks for your help. I'll certainly buy the official version!

    Greetings from Switzerland

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