Error at linking. Seems like some functions in Winapi.Windows are not implemented.

Issue #137 resolved
German Gentile created an issue

[DCC Error] E2597 C:\Program Files (x86)\CrossVcl\Lib\19.0\Linux64\Debug\Winapi.Windows.o:Winapi.Windows:function Winapi::Windows::Beep(unsigned int, unsigned int): error: undefined reference to 'Beep' C:\Program Files (x86)\CrossVcl\Lib\19.0\Linux64\Debug\Winapi.Windows.o:Winapi.Windows:function Winapi::Windows::Sleep(unsigned int): error: undefined reference to 'Sleep' C:\Program Files (x86)\CrossVcl\Lib\19.0\Linux64\Debug\Winapi.WinInet.o:Winapi.WinInet:function Winapi::Wininet::InternetCloseHandle(void): error: undefined reference to 'InternetCloseHandle' C:\Program Files (x86)\CrossVcl\Lib\19.0\Linux64\Debug\Winapi.WinInet.o:Winapi.WinInet:function Winapi::Wininet::InternetOpen(char16_t, unsigned int, char16_t, char16_t, unsigned int): error: undefined reference to 'InternetOpenW' C:\Program Files (x86)\CrossVcl\Lib\19.0\Linux64\Debug\Winapi.WinInet.o:Winapi.WinInet:function Winapi::Wininet::InternetOpenUrl(void, char16_t, char16_t, unsigned int, unsigned int, NativeUInt): error: undefined reference to 'InternetOpenUrlW' C:\Program Files (x86)\CrossVcl\Lib\19.0\Linux64\Debug\Winapi.WinInet.o:Winapi.WinInet:function Winapi::Wininet::InternetReadFile(void, void*, unsigned int, unsigned int&): error: undefined reference to 'InternetReadFile'

Comments (10)

  1. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    For Sleep it is better use SysUtils.Sleep, as for WinInet functions we don't have plan to implement it. You should use RTL, Net or Indy for such kind of functionality.

  2. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    Regarding MS documentation - "Eventually because of the lack of hardware to communicate with, support for Beep was dropped in Windows Vista and Windows XP 64-Bit Edition."

    Right now only MessageBeep is implemented to play the system beep.

  3. German Gentile reporter

    I cant debug the app. The ide dont show any breakpoint point. The app run , show crossvcl message and close. Any place to start checking?

  4. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    Try to enable - 'Debug Information' in project options - Linker. IDE doesn't enable it automatically for some project (mostly old).

  5. German Gentile reporter

    Is Linux. Simple form Project works and debug ok

    El El mar, 12 de dic. de 2017 a las 07:31, Eugene Kryukov <

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