Support dcrHexEditor

Issue #156 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hello, I tried to support dcrHexEditor and I have next issues:

[DCC Error] E2597 C:\Program Files (x86)\CrossVcl\Lib\19.0\Linux64\Debug\Winapi.Windows.o:Winapi.Windows:function Winapi::Windows::GetFileAttributes(char16_t): error: undefined reference to 'GetFileAttributesW' C:\Program Files (x86)\CrossVcl\Lib\19.0\Linux64\Debug\Winapi.Windows.o:Winapi.Windows:function Winapi::Windows::CharToOemA(char, char): error: undefined reference to 'CharToOemA' C:\Program Files (x86)\CrossVcl\Lib\19.0\Linux64\Debug\Winapi.Windows.o:Winapi.Windows:function Winapi::Windows::CharToOemBuffW(char16_t, char, unsigned int): error: undefined reference to 'CharToOemBuffW' C:\Program Files (x86)\CrossVcl\Lib\19.0\Linux64\Debug\Winapi.Windows.o:Winapi.Windows:function Winapi::Windows::OemToCharA(char, char): error: undefined reference to 'OemToCharA' C:\Program Files (x86)\CrossVcl\Lib\19.0\Linux64\Debug\Winapi.Windows.o:Winapi.Windows:function Winapi::Windows::OemToCharBuffW(char, char16_t*, unsigned int): error: undefined reference to 'OemToCharBuffW'

Could you support this API?

Comments (1)

  1. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    All reported API don't related to UI and will not covers by CrossVcl. All not UI related API should be replaced by RTL functions. Another point - set of ANSI versions of WinAPI not covers by CrossVcl too (CrossVCL supports only Unicode version of APIs).

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