In Listbox OnMouseUp-Event, value for "button" is always mbLeft (macOS & Linux)

Issue #185 resolved
Harry Stahl created an issue

if one clicks with the right mousebutton on a listbox-entry, than the value for Button is mbLeft (instead of mbRight)

Comments (5)

  1. Harry Stahl reporter

    That’s the same for TCheckListbox.

    That’s also the reason, why no PupUp-menü Pops Up, when a PopUp-Menu is linked to the Listbox / TCheckListbox.

    So it would be nice, if that could also be fixed (and this report is also some month old…)

  2. Harry Stahl

    The same is still valid (20.06.2021) for MACOS: for TStringGrid: Button has always mbLeft. So if this could be fixed, a fix would be very welcomed…

    procedure Tfrm_Main.sgAdressMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);

    Button: Always mbLeft, also when right click was performed

    LINUX was fixed in the meantime.

  3. Harry Stahl

    In the attachment a demo with the TStringgrid. Click with the left and right mouse on the Stringgrid. On MaCOS there will be only a message for the left click.

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