CrossVCL vs FmxLinux?

Issue #189 new
Rustam Shirgazin created an issue

How to buy the right product (without time limit)? As I understood: CrossVCL converts Standard VCL components to Linux. Price 399 USD. (CrossVcl Personal Life-Time) FmxLinux converts FireMonkey components to Linux. Price 349 USD. (FmxLinux Personal Life-Time) Can't find table of comparison. Task is to create application for Ubuntu.

Which one has more functions?

Comments (3)

  1. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    The main difference is framework. If you already have VCL or FMX application you just use CrossVcl or FmxLinux. If you just are going to create the app from scratch you have to choice correct framework for you. FMX is cross-platform framework from beginning and it already supports mobile platform - if this is important for you then your choice is FMX. VCL is desktop only framework and mostly the goa of CrossVcl is porting an existing VCL app to new platforms.

  2. Rustam Shirgazin reporter

    There is also opportunity to buy three components.

    KSDev 1-Year Subscription Personal 1-Year personal licenses for CrossVcl, FmxLinux and TurboCocoa. All new products we release during your active license automatically become available. $499 USD per year

    Does KSDev include your product DelphiStyles or should I buy DelphiStyles separately?

    The reason is to create well-designed desktop application. Does DelphiStyles go with FmxLinux together or separately?

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