F2588 linker error - undefined symbols for architecture x86_64

Issue #226 resolved
Sven Harazim created an issue

i’m working on a new port of VirtualTreeview and i moved the most patches from your fork on github to the source.

it’s not allmost done, but i get this linker error

F2588 linker error - undefined symbols for architecture x86_64

can you give me an hint, what’s going wring?

Thanks sven

Comments (9)

  1. Sven Harazim reporter

    sry, i missunderstood

    Error: "_GetCursorInfo", referenced from:      __ZN6Winapi7Windows13GetCursorInfoER13tagCURSORINFO in Winapi.Windows.o;
    ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

  2. Sven Harazim reporter

    ok, i commented out GetCursorInfo, but what’s now the problem?

    [dccosx64 Fehler] E2597 duplicate symbol ___rsrc_N6CURSOR1_11E in:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\CrossVcl\Lib\21.0\OSX64\Debug\Vcl.Controls.o
    duplicate symbol ___rsrc_N6CURSOR1_12E in:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\CrossVcl\Lib\21.0\OSX64\Debug\Vcl.Controls.o
    duplicate symbol ___rsrc_N6CURSOR1_13E in:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\CrossVcl\Lib\21.0\OSX64\Debug\Vcl.Controls.o
    duplicate symbol ___rsrc_N6CURSOR1_14E in:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\CrossVcl\Lib\21.0\OSX64\Debug\Vcl.Controls.o
    duplicate symbol ___rsrc_N6CURSOR1_15E in:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\CrossVcl\Lib\21.0\OSX64\Debug\Vcl.Controls.o
    duplicate symbol ___rsrc_N6CURSOR1_16E in:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\CrossVcl\Lib\21.0\OSX64\Debug\Vcl.Controls.o
    duplicate symbol ___rsrc_N6CURSOR1_17E in:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\CrossVcl\Lib\21.0\OSX64\Debug\Vcl.Controls.o
    ld: 7 duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64
    [dccosx64 Fataler Fehler] F2588 Linker-Fehlercode: 1 ($00000001)

  3. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    ImageList_Write still not implemented in CrossVcl. Since it uses only at design-time and in some particular case like in Advanced demo. See main.pas - ConvertToHighColor. Just comment out this procedure. We will try to impleemnt this if this is really important.

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