Fontsize in TSpeedbutton not considered

Issue #229 resolved
Harry Stahl created an issue

It doesn’t matter what size of font you choose for the TSpeedbutton it will always have size “8” (on Linux Plattform, assume also MAC, not tested).

There was a Delphi Bug in the 10.4.x so that was also on Windows so. With the 10.4.2 it is fixed, so I hoped it would be fixed now also in crossvcl (compiled with 10.3.3 it is OK).

See attached Screenshot and demo project (compiled with CrossVCL 1.26).

Comments (12)

  1. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    I can confirm that CrossVcl works fine with 10.4.2. But, we have to upgrade our build server to build using 10.4.2 and rebuild CrossVcl DCUs using new VCL & compiler.

  2. Harry Stahl reporter

    Unfortunatelly this ist still not fixed in 1.28.

    When I use your tipp “$(crossvcl)\Source;$(crossvcl)\Source$(ProductVersion)” to build the program, then the font is ok.

    But in an other program a build with this in searchpath, the program crashes, with report “ImageList_Drawdirect” not implemented (and other strange behaivior).

    So could you please fix that font-problem in your regular distribution? Especially under linux, where font is normally a little bit bigger than under windows, a so little font is not acceptable for users.

  3. Eugene Kryukov repo owner

    We are going to move our build server to 10.4.2. So, next version should be fine.

    I’ve checked whole VCL sources and didn’t find any mentioning of ImageList_Drawdirect. Do you use any 3rd-party controls ?

  4. Harry Stahl reporter

    Great, thank you, now it works as expected!

    And sorry, the name of the message was “ImageList_DrawIndirect” not implemented (so “Indirect” and not “direct”). It is in VCl.Imgelist.pas.

  5. Harry Stahl reporter

    Update: The ImageList_DrawIndirect Message / crash comes, when a Tspeedbutton with an Image in it becomes disabled and the button needs to redraw. I think there was a changing in 10.4.x to display buttons better in disabled status, perhaps that’s the reason

  6. Harry Stahl reporter

    Another update: It is only a problem, when using a TSpeedButton that displays the image with the help of an connected TImagelist (thats possible since 10.4). If the button has an own glyph, it is not a problem.

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